Friday June 22, 2018
6-7 pm All guests are welcome to join us for a reception at the Rec Hall
Saturday June 23, 2018
8 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 – 9:30 The Heart of the Matter: Setting the Stage for Creating Wellness for Our Kids, with Susan Jentzsch and Michael Gurian
Brain Break
9:35 – 11:30 Keynote, Michael Gurian, The Minds of Boys and Girls
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:30 First Afternoon Workshop, Concurrent Sessions
Helping Girls Thrive with Dr. Lisa Basista
Boys and Girls Learn Differently, with Katey McPherson, Part I. For individuals becoming certified trainers, it is a required course.
Got Trauma? Students Bring It to Your Classroom Everyday, with Dr. Gylnetta Deshon Fletcher
1:45 – 2:45 Second Afternoon Workshop, Concurrent Sessions
The Body and the Brain Do Keep Score, with Susan Jentzsch
Boys and Girls Learn Differently, with Katey McPherson, Part II. For individuals becoming certified trainers, it is a required course.
Incorporating Technology: Strategies for the Digital Classroom and Home, with Ethan Segovia
3:00 – 4:00 Meeting with Michael Gurian, Katey McPherson, Susan Jentzsch, and people interested in becoming Gurian Certified Trainers
Sunday, June 24, 2018
8:00 – 9:00 Coffee, Mingling, and Networking
9:00 – 10:15 Keynote, Troy Kemp, Tai-Chi, Kung Fu, and Switzerland!
10:30 – 11:30 Morning Featured Workshop, Susan Jentzsch, Survival Skills for Girls and STEM: What Women Want Girls to Know
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:30 Afternoon Workshops, Concurrent Tracks
Raising Boys in a Kryptonite World, with Tim Wright
He’s Mad! De-escalating Conflict and Dealing with Male Anger, with Dr. Glynetta Deshon Fletcher
She Said, He Said. Strategies for Working Together in Female/male Teams, with Susan Jentzsch
1:45 – 2:45 Afternoon Workshops, Concurrent
What Boys Need to Make a Successful High School to College Transition, with Troy Kemp
The Boy-Forging, Girl-Shaping Power of Rites of Passage, with Tim Wright
Nature, Nurture, Culture – Helping Students Succeed in the Classroom and Beyond, with Amy Coe
3:00 – 3:30 Closing Activity for Conference Participants
All keynotes and workshops highlight gender-friendly theory and strategies applicable to both coeducational and single sex classrooms, schools, and academies.
Schedule is subject to changes and additions.
Monday Morning, Certification of Trainers Session, 8:00 – 11:30, for those individuals becoming Gurian Certified Trainers
Transportation: If you are flying into the San Diego airport, Uber or Lyft can bring you from the airport to Carlsbad. It’s about a 40-minute drive, depending on traffic. Also, your hotel may have shuttle services.
Hotels: There are multiple hotels to choose from in Carlsbad, many or which are close to the beach. We suggest you plan ahead to make your reservations while the hotel prices are lower. As time gets closer to summer, the hotels raise their prices. Here are three in walking distance from the conference.
West Inn and Suites, 760 448-4500
Best Western, 760 729-1151
Hilton Garden Inn, 760 476-0800.
Learning and Training Objectives
Describe how the field of gender neuroscience is altering what you know about the psychology and education of children and adolescents.
Discuss specific needs and issues of boys and girls from birth to adulthood, including analysis of the gender spectrum.
Assess how generally institutionalized educational, counseling, and parenting models do or do not fill the specific developmental needs of girls and boys.
Identify new logic models and strategies for motivation, learning, and behavioral intervention.
Summarize key stressors and social-emotional factors that differ between girls and boys.
Demonstrate new strategies for learning, counseling, and assessment, including strategies for working with highly sensitive girls and boys.
Implement new strategies and practical tools beyond the training institute, in your own curricular areas and environments.
Target Audience: educators, administrators, counselors, social workers, early childhood specialists, coed and single sex educators, parents, mentors, coaches, government agency professionals, and policy makers working with children and young adults.
More Workshops
What Boys Need to Make a Successful High School to College Transition, with Troy Kemp. Male students generally make up half of newly enrolled Freshman classes in college, but they matriculate from college in much smaller numbers than female students. In 25 years of mentoring boys through this transition, Troy knows first hand the strengths and pitfalls these boys bring to college. In this workshop, he will share a proven plan for strategizing with boys in high school on both hard skills and soft skills that will be needed in college so that they can adapt to college and matriculate on time.
Raising Boys in a Kryptonite World, with Tim Wright. Boys want to be heroes–men of character, wonder, compassion, challenge, and relationship. Our society also needs our males to become these loving, wise, and successful men. But at nearly every turn, cultural ideologies strip boys of healthy development, attack boys for being male, and misunderstand boy behavior. This workshop gives powerful insight into these cultural challenges–with examples of “kryptonite” almost literally “ripped from the headlines–“, and offers parents, educators, and community leaders a number of practical strategies for helping boys become motivated young men of purpose and service.
Nature, Nurture, Culture – Helping Students Succeed in the Classroom and Beyond, with Amy Coe, Assistant Dean of Academics. This workshop is designed for teachers, administrators, counselors, and all those interested in developing a deeper understanding of the brain-based differences between boys and girls, and how to leverage those differences both inside and outside of the classroom to create an engaging and nurturing classroom and school culture where boys can not only learn but thrive. The workshop is divided into three sections: The nature of boys – the brain-based differences based on Michael Gurian’s work; practical classroom strategies; strategies to nurture the nature of boys.
The Joys and Pitfalls of Incorporating Technology: Strategies for the Digital Classroom and Home, with Ethan Segovia, Dean of Academics, Army and Navy Academy. This workshop on the digital classroom and home provides tools to assist teachers, administrators, and parents with safe, useful, and essential digital learning. Ethan will focus the workshop on student screen time, cell phone usage, acceptable use, and will also discuss the intersection of the science of sleep and nutrition with digital tools.