LITERACY MATTERS…One in seven American adults (approximately 32 million) has such low literacy skills that it is challenging to understand the side effects of medication as listed on a pill bottle.
Literacy matters. Reading, writing, and speaking intersect with everything in life: character development, emotional intelligence, and physical fitness. Reading is essential for successful brain development in children, and stories help build character and emotional development. There are few career areas in which literacy skills—reading, writing, critical thinking, articulation of positions in words, and even anecdotal storytelling—are not essential for success.
In 2013, BSA asked Michael Gurian to help them focus on literacy, and the result of this continuing work is the Boy Scouts of America LITERACY MATTERS campaign. Their mission to help boys be “Prepared. For Life.®” is directly correlated with the need for literacy in America and precisely why the BSA incorporates literacy skills into so much of its program.
While inadequate literacy skills are an issue for all human beings, boys in school and life need a particular focus on literacy in the same way we must focus some of our STEM trainings specifically on the most effective practices for teaching STEM subjects with girls. Diminished male literacy begins early—boys’ reading/writing skills are approximately one to one and a half years behind girls’. Throughout the United States and the industrial world, boys are behind girls in literacy testing and grades. The boys’ “literacy gap” in the U.S., as revealed by standardized testing, is two to three times larger than the girls’ gap in math/science. That is how significant this gap has become.
Michael and our GI team are proud to join with BSA in helping solve the literacy gap.
Read Michael’s interview in Scouting Magazine HERE.
Wondering about your boy’s reading skills? Access a quick Literacy Survey HERE.