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Michael's new headshot

In this dynamic keynote presentation, Dr. Gurian will explore how the minds of boys and girls learn and grow, including brain differences that impact education and social emotional development throughout the lifespan.  He will provide insight into best teaching, parenting, counseling, and mentoring practices for both girls and boys, and safe, effective electronics and technology standards for various stages of child development.  

Michael’s presentation will include PET, SPECT, and MRI scans that display brain differences, and he will bring the latest research in both of his newest nonfiction books, Saving Our Sons (2017) and The Minds of Girls (2018), focusing on educating, raising, and counseling boys, and educating, raising, and counseling girls.

Two primary topics will be social-emotional development tools for teachers, parents, and others, and successes and implications of the digital brain on education and parenting.  As he looks at the growing brain through the lens of gender science, he will explore themes on everyone’s mind today, including transgender questions and gender fluidity, what constitutes “toxic masculinity,” girl drama and relational aggression, girls and STEM learning, and brain-based boy-friendly learning strategies.

Michael will also lead two working lunch discussions.  The books that underlie these discussions are Saving Our Sons and The Stone Boys (2019) for Saturday and The Minds of Girls for Sunday.  We hope you will read these books ahead of time.  In these working lunches, we will study and strategize regarding violence/suicide prevention, and mental and emotional health in our school communities.

A youth football coach, mentor, and child advocate, Marion Hill has worked with children of color throughout his professional life.  He currently serves as an administrator for Head Start and serves as a Gurian Certified Trainer with the Greater Phoenix Urban League.  Dynamic, visionary, and deeply committed to giving back, Marion is the founder of M.A.N.C.A.V.E. (Men All Need to be Caring Actively-Engaged, and Encouraged), a fatherhood program designed to encourage fathers/male role models to be actively engaged in their child’s growth and development.

In his morning keynote, Marion Hill focuses specifically on the learning and life-needs of children of color.  Marion will explore current issues of culture and conflict, including ways that boys of color escalate anger and withdrawal.  As he tells his own powerful story, Marion will utilize anecdotes from his two decades of work in this field, and feature success strategies for helping boys and girls of color in under-resourced neighborhoods and classrooms.

To learn more about Marion, please visit Marion’s Gurian Institute Trainer page.

For two decades, Fletch has been teaching in Los Angeles urban schools.  Fletch is also a product of childhood trauma herself, scoring a 10 out of 10 on  (Adverse Childhood Experiences, ACE’s).  Fletch’s current school site is located in one of the highest homicide areas and where students experience high levels of trauma.  In her professional work,  Fletch works tirelessly to support students with building resiliency.

This second morning keynote focuses on helping teachers, counselors, and parents develop trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive classrooms and environments.  Fletch will discuss the impact that trauma can have on teachers, students, and parents.  Fletch will share practical strategies that participants will walk away with  tools to support students. She is a testimony to the power of relationships, neuroplasticity and resiliency.  

The learn more about Dr. Fletcher, please visit Dr. Fletcher’s Gurian Institute Trainer page.

What Participants Said About June 2019's Gurian Summer Training Institute (Live) and What Participants Said About June 2020's Gurian Summer Training Institute (via Zoom)

About Summer Institute 2020

“You did it! Our team was not sure how two days of PD provided virtually would go, but you made it exciting. Thank you!”

“Amazing. Powerful. To see the brain scans and understand differences between the male and female brain is a game-changer in education.”

“Packed with strategies I will put into practice immediately.”

“I really appreciated the way you helped us plan ahead for the potential of digital classrooms.”

“The keynotes and workshops on helping children of color were powerful in their own right, and they worked together with the understanding of male/female. Very helpful and needed, especially in our present time.”

``This is one of the best trainings I have had with more usable strategies than I usually get at PD. Thank you!``

“This is equity work at its finest. You did not avoid the big questions. I appreciate your honesty about the many parts of equity and excellence we have to hit at once if we are going to creating thriving schools and communities.”

“The Gurian Institute consistently provides some of the best professional development I experience, and I have been teaching more than 25 years!”

About Summer Institute 2019

``This is the best workshop I've been to in the last ten years! I wish it could have been longer.``

``Very well organized conference, with wonderful support for the almost 200 participants. I will come back and bring others. I learned so much!``

“Every year I come back. This is the best conference anywhere for understanding the brains of males and females, and how that understanding can positively change classrooms and communities.”

``Great sessions! Perfect blend of lecture and group activities. I especially liked how culturally responsive the work was all around.``

``Thank you for not staying away from uncomfortable topics--they are some of the most important.``

``Covered each element on the gender spectrum very well. Great tools, great training!``

``I can't wait to take all this back to my classroom!``

``I came as a therapist and mother and found myself energized and excited in both areas. This work universally taps into what we are all thinking and feeling every day.``

``The workshop and information on impacts of digital life on the social emotional growth of children felt so current and powerful, my team and I are already talking about a new plan for our school's digital platform.``

``Powerful strategies and solutions for building social emotional confidence in both boys and girls.``

``I especially liked Gurian's approach to STEM--it is brain-based in a way I have not seen anywhere else. I'll take it back into our STEM school with confidence.``

``Great practical strategies and new ways of understanding the impact of sex and gender on learning and behavior.``

``Incredible. Captivating. I found myself taking ferocious notes!``

``I can't wait to take everything back to my school and community. This was a life-changing weekend.``

``Fantastic. Thank you so much!``

``This training is for everyone--administrators, teachers, leaders, parents, and our kids themselves. Eye-opening, and so practical!``

``The brain-based approach to trauma-informed teaching adds a powerful layer to trauma training. This gender-brain perspective is the missing piece. Thank you!``

“I've gone to PD for more than 3 and a half decades as a teacher and administrator. This PD was among my top 3 PD experiences in all those years.”


Ensuring Academic and Social-Emotional Success for Boys and Girls

Featured Speakers and Workshops

The Human Brain:  Setting the Stage, with Eva Dwight and Michael Gurian. Body, mind, and soul are not three isolated systems.  Intricately woven together, they give us the human experience.  In our culture now, our children’s bodies, minds, and souls are experiencing significant stress.  This opening session of the conference will link our weekend of training to the deep issues of our time in schools and neighborhoods, and provide a primer on the amazing human brain–both its natural resilience and its potential fragility.

Boys and Girls Learn Differently – Two-Part Strategies Session, with Eva Dwight, Gurian Institute Master Trainer This two-part session will give participants a tool box full of practical strategies that can be adapted for use in any classroom to increase teacher effectiveness and make sure the needs of both boys and girls are being met. The workshops will model the strategies as if in a classroom setting.  This two-part session is a requirement for applicants for Gurian Institute Trainer Certification and includes specific innovations for coeducational classrooms and for single sex classrooms and academies.

Soothing the Stress Response in Girls and Handling Girl Drama, with Eva Dwight.  Our girls are under constant stress today and “girl drama” can be difficult to navigate.  When is it normal, when is it bullying?   Eva Dwight has three decades of experience in this field and provides positive discipline and girl-friendly tools for soothing stress responses and activating processing mechanisms.  Because individual children often respond to stress differently, this workshop’s focus on the nexus of nature, nurture, and culture make it immensely practical—its tools can be used immediately in schools, home, and neighborhood environments.

Rob Kodama

Becoming a Man:  What Does it Mean to Boys, and How Do We Teach it? with Gurian Master Trainer, Rob Kodama.  For more than 20 years, Rob has worked as a teacher, coach, and Director of Admissions at Crespi Carmelite High School for Boys in Encino, CA.  With his colleagues, he has developed a leading edge “Becoming a Man” course for the young men.  In this workshop, Rob will explore the experience of masculinity and manhood the boys are living and trying to live, and how adults can help boys live it wisely, empathically, and successfully.  Because Rob has taught the course to a widely diverse group of boys from all races and socio-economic origins, he has developed both a culturally sensitive and universally applicable wisdom on masculine and male development.  This workshop will include strategies, anecdotes, stories, and action plans you can use right away.

Theresa Moore

The Pressured Child:  Helping Boys and Girls Navigate and Heal Their Worry and Anxiety, with Gurian Certified Trainer and Mental Health Counselor, Theresa Moore, LCSW, LPC.  Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues are paramount in our minds today as the CDC reports that at least 1 in 5 children are grappling with mental health issues.  The rise of digital technologies and general performance pressure among children have increased the number of worried children, as well.  Theresa Moore is the mental health counselor at San Antonio Academy, a Gurian Institute Model School, and has developed unique programs for helping children facing mental health issues.  She is an Equine Certified Facilitator and will share “equine stories” (from her counseling practice utilizing horses and animal assistance), and concrete tools used in nearly 3 decades in the field that help children move from fear to focus, and build resiliency from pressure.  Theresa’s workshop will also include strategies for dealing with worried and anxious parents, as well.

Working with Sensitive Boys and Girls:  Strategies for Classrooms and for Coaching Parents, with Theresa Moore, LCSW, LPC.   One of the most profound questions on all of our minds is “How do I work with highly sensitive and sensitive children?”  When we study boys and girls, we see that “sensitive boy” and “sensitive girl” is also a factor–sex and gender impact sensitivity both as inherited traits and in social outcomes.  Added to all of this is the role of parents–they are hungry to know how to best help their sensitive children.  In this workshop, Theresa Moore provides practical strategies and tools that have worked in San Antonio Academy, a Gurian Model School, and in her counseling practice with children and parents.  This workshop will both discuss and model best practices, and engage participants in takeaways they can use immediately back home.

Changing the Classroom and Playground Culture for Our Youngest Kids, with Phoenix Head Start Director and Gurian Certified Trainer, Marion Hill.  Brain science holds powerful clues and best practices for setting children up for success in both learning and social-emotional development from birth onward.  In this workshop, Gurian Certified Trainer and Phoenix Head Start Director, Marion Hill, models best practices and strategies for birth to five, and beyond.  The Gurian Institute, Phoenix Head Start, and the Greater Phoenix Urban League are collaborating on a Gurian Institute Pilot at Cartwright School in Phoenix.  Marion is one of the directors of the Pilot and has also founded MANCAVE, which brings fathers and men into the picture for struggling children and youth.  Marion will present differences between what boys and girls often need, and strategies and tools for making classrooms and playgrounds into positively managed learning cultures.


The Digital Child:  Helping Them Take the Best and Leave the Rest, with Abigail Wald. This workshop will focus on where tweens are in their brain and social development, how we can help them create with tech rather than just consume it, and why this shift is protective of both their self-esteem and their future work life.  Tech is here to stay, and more than just limiting screen time–which is necessary and important, but not the whole story–we need strategies for making homes and schools safe havens for tech.  As Abigail presents relationship strategies that make this safety possible, she will provide a new framework for equipping children to master tech as a healthy rite of passage into adolescence.

The Secret to Getting Students to Actually WANT to Learn from You, with Abigail Wald. At some level, we all know this to be true:  students learn best from the teachers who have profound relationships with their students.  Attachment, bonding, trust between adults and children are essential to both SEL and academic learning, even through high school and college.  What are the secrets to motivating learners through attachment and relationship?  How do we bond and build trust even with our most difficult learners?  This workshop answers these questions strategically and through modeling and interactive process.  You will leave this session with multiple strategies and tools to take back to your classrooms right away.

Dynamic Rites of Passage for Boys and Girls:  How to Develop and Use Strategies, Models, and Successful Programs in Your School or Community, with Tim Wright, Pastor, Author, and Master Trainer.   A long time partner with Michael Gurian on the Rites of Passage Programs and The Wonder of Parenting Podcast, Tim Wright is an inspiring community leader.  A pastor for more than thirty years, he is also an internationally recognized speaker for his dynamism.  This workshop is a practical and powerful look at what we can do to help both boys and girls become adults of character and emotional depth through Rites of Passage programs.  Tim will discuss, model, and illustrate programs that have already been proven successful around the country.  He will also discuss the Helping Boys Thrive initiative and summits that have been happening around the country, providing strategies for providing a Helping Boys Thrive initiative in your school or community.

Training Schedule

Welcome to our Summer 2020 Tele-Summit!  All times listed here are Pacific.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

9:00 – 9:30 The Human Brain: Setting the Stage, with Eva Dwight and Michael Gurian

Brain Break

9:30 – 11:30 Keynote, Michael Gurian, Protecting the Emotional Lives of Boys and Girls

11:30 – 12:30 “Lunchtime” – Questions answered by Michael Gurian on subjects related to raising, educating, and counseling boys, including questions on the Boy Crisis, Saving Our Sons, Suicide/Violence Prevention, and more.  Please submit your questions during the morning keynote to info@gurianinstitute.com.

12:30 – 1:45 First Afternoon Workshop, Concurrent Sessions

Boys and Girls Learn Differently, with Eva Dwight, Part I.  For individuals becoming certified trainers, it is a required course.

The Secret to Getting Students to Actually WANT to Learn from You, with Abigail Wald

Becoming a Man:  A New Approach to Masculine Development, with Rob Kodama


2:00 – 3:15 Second Afternoon Workshop, Concurrent Sessions

The Pressured Child:  Helping Children Navigate and Heal Their Worry and Anxiety, with Theresa Moore, MFT.

The Power of Single Sex Classrooms and Environments, with Amy Coe

Boys and Girls Learn Differently, with Eva Dwight, Part II.  For individuals becoming certified trainers, it is a required course.


3:30 – 4:00 Zoom meeting with Michael Gurian, Eva Dwight, and people interested in becoming Gurian Certified Trainers.  Renewing Trainers are also welcome.


Sunday, June 28, 2020


9:00 – 10:00 Keynote, Marion Hill, The Culture We Make:  Working with Children of Color in the Classroom and in Their World


10:15 – 11:30 Second Morning Keynote, Dr. Glynetta Fletcher, Trauma-Informed Strategies for Helping Children Learn and Grow

11:30 – 12:30 “Lunchtime” – Questions answered by Michael Gurian on subjects related to raising, educating, and counseling girls, including questions on The Minds of Girls, Girl “Drama,” Girls and SEL, Girls and STEM, and more.  Please send your questions into info@gurianinstitute.com during the morning keynote.

12:30 – 1:45 Afternoon Workshops, Concurrent Tracks

The Digital Child:  Helping Them Take the Best and Leave the Rest, with Abigail Wald

Changing the Classroom and Playground Culture for our Youngest Kids, with Marion Hill

Working with Sensitive Boys and Girls:  Strategies for Classrooms and for Coaching Parents, with Theresa Moore


2:00 – 3:15 Afternoon Workshops, Concurrent

 Soothing the Stress Response in Girls and Handling Girl Drama, with Eva Dwight

Dynamic Rites of Passage for Both Boys and Girls, with Tim Wright.

The Power of Diversity:  Teaching and Mentoring Latino and Dual Language Learners, with Marlene Ordaz and Shandeen Gomez


End of Day 2.  Please go online over the next three days for workshops you missed.  Each workshop will be supported by a private link that is only for registrants of this conference.  These workshops/links will be unavailable starting July 1, 2020.

All keynotes and workshops highlight gender-friendly theory and strategies applicable to both coeducational and single sex classrooms, schools, and academies.

Schedule is subject to change.

Monday Morning – Certification of Trainers Session, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., for those individuals becoming Gurian Certified Trainers, with Eva Dwight.  To begin the process of becoming a Gurian Certified Trainer, please visit the Trainer page on www.gurianinstitute.com.

Please send any questions to info@gurianinstitute.com. 

Online Address for the Tele-Summit:

You will be sent Zoom links for each session.  Please make sure we have your best email address (i.e. one that will not go to your spam folder!)  Any sessions you did not join during the weekend can be accessed until July 1 on a private link page you can request at any time during or after the weekend up till July 1 at eva@gurianinstitute.com.

Certificates of Participation

Upon request, participants who complete the two days of training are eligible for a Certificate of Participant for 14 hours via email; participants who also complete Monday morning’s certification training can receive 18 hours. After you have completed the Summit please email Gail at gail@gurianinstitute.com to request your certificate.

Learning and Training Objectives

Describe how the field of gender neuroscience is altering what you know about the psychology and education of children and adolescents.

Discuss specific needs and issues of boys and girls from birth to adulthood, including analysis of the gender spectrum, with focus on both academics and social-emotional development.

Assess how generally institutionalized educational, counseling, and parenting models do or do not fill the specific developmental needs of girls and boys.

Identify new logic models and strategies for motivation, learning, and behavioral intervention.

Summarize key stressors and social-emotional factors that differ between girls and boys.

Demonstrate new strategies for learning, counseling, and assessment, including strategies for working with highly sensitive girls and boys.

Implement new strategies and practical tools beyond the training institute, in your own curricular areas and environments.


Target Audience:  educators, administrators, counselors, social workers, early childhood specialists, coed and single sex educators, parents, mentors, coaches, government agency professionals, and policy makers working with children and young adults.


More Workshops

The Power of Single Sex Classrooms and Cultures, with Amy Coe, Assistant Dean of Academics, Army and Navy Academy.  This workshop is designed for teachers, administrators, counselors, and all those interested in developing a deeper understanding of what works in single sex school cultures, and why.  The workshop is divided into three sections: useful brain-based sex differences based on Michael Gurian’s work; practical classroom strategies for teacher and student mentoring of boys and girls; and strategies to nurture the nature of boys and girls in single sex school “emotional” cultures (the hidden worlds of both boys and girls). 

The Power of Diversity:  Teaching and Mentoring Latino and Dual Language Learners, with Marlene Ordaz and Shandeen Gomez, Gurian Certified Trainers and Cartwright School Educators.  For over 40 years collectively, Marlene and Shandeen have worked in early childhood populations and built bridges into elementary and secondary education, focusing specifically on learning, literacy, and cultural climate strategies that work with Latino populations and dual language learners.  They work now at Cartwright School in Phoenix, Arizona, which is our newest Gurian Model School.  Their workshop explores barriers of language and culture on both the student and teacher and ways to address the needs of our Latino and dual language populations.  Participants will learn techniques and strategies for  engaging students in a culturally and linguistically diverse learning community.

Tickets Are: $250.00 Per Person
*(After paying, please send your email address to gail@gurianinstitute.com so that we can send you a registration/welcome email)

Pay via PayPal or Credit Card Here:

Group Discounts for 5 or more: $225.00 per person.

Email us at gail@gurianinstitute.com or call Gail at 509 624 0623 to set up a group discount.

Early Bird Registration Ends May 15, 2020

To pay via check, mail to:

The Gurian Institute, P.O. Box 8714, Spokane, WA 99203


Refund Policy:  Refunds are no longer available for this year’s summer institute.  If you have registered but cannot participate in this year’s event, please let Gail know at gail@gurianinstitute.com. We will credit your registration toward next year’s event.

The Gurian Summer Training Institute can be cancelled and if cancelled, registration tickets will be refunded to each registrant within seven (7) days of cancellation. The Gurian Institute will not be liable for any other costs.