Crespi Carmelite High School in Encino, CA is a Gurian Institute Center for Educational Excellence. CJ Kruska and Daniel Parlato, two of Crespi’s most innovative teachers, will speak on best practices in teaching and social emotional development in single sex/single gender classrooms–for both boys and girls–at our Summer Training Institute on Zoom in June.
You can join them and all our speakers on June 21 – 22 and/or access the recordings of the Summer Institute for three weeks beyond the two days of training. To learn more about event and to register, visit To register groups of 5 or more, contact Dakota Hoyt at Here’s more about Crespi, the Crespi workshop and the Center.
A boys high school, Crespi was the Gurian Institute’s first Model School (2005 – present). Located in Encino, CA (Los Angeles), it is a leading edge school in its guidance of boys into men. “If you believe boys and girls learn differently,” the Crespi handbook says, “Crespi may be right for you.” In conjunction with the Gurian Institute, Crespi uses brain-based, research-driven strategies for teaching young men.
The school has created a learning environment structured toward boy-centered learning. A recent graduate put it this way: “The learning process has been super engaging and allowed me to learn in ways I wasn’t able to in other schools. Through interactive learning and projects, Crespi helps me understand the material in ways I never thought possible.”
The school also focuses on healthy manhood development, including how parents and other adults can help boys live wisely, empathically, and successfully. Crespi’s trainers are always inspiring and provide heartfelt workshops that include strategies, structures, and plans you can use with the diverse boys in your school, family, and community. Here is the Crespi workshop in brief:
Single Sex/Single Gender: Teaching and Empowering Boys and Girls in Single Gender Classrooms and Cultures, with CJ Kruska and Daniel Parlato, Crespi Carmelite High School staff members and Gurian Certified Trainers. This workshop is designed for teachers, administrators, counselors, and all those interested in developing a deeper understanding of single gender environments. It features how Gurian’s work and strategies are integrated into single sex classrooms, how to set up the classrooms physically, how to facilitate student mentoring of boys and girls, and strategies for nurturing boys and girls through the sex-specific lens. Between them, CJ and Daniel have more than thirty years of experience working in single sex/single gender environments.
To learn more about our Summer Institute and to register, visit You can register right there on the site. To register groups of 5 or more, contact Dakota Hoyt, our Managing Director, at She will facilitate that group registration.
For individuals who might want to become Gurian Certified Trainers, please check out the Trainer page on then contact Dakota to add the extra Monday morning certification training to your menu. As always, write us with any questions at
To learn more about Crespi, visit To read the Gurian Institute’s Independent Analysis of Crespi, Why Educate Boys the Crespi Way click: and/or