Dr. Adonica Jones-Parks is a specialist in reaching at risk students, including the most disengaged. In her district in Cincinnati, she has developed leading edge approaches to bringing these students back to education, strategies that are useful for all educators in all settings. Today’s blog post features her and her keynote.
Please join us for our event on June 24-25. Because the Summer Training is virtual, the recordings will be available for three weeks, giving you and your teams ample time to hear Dr. Jones-Parks and many others. The website is: https://gurianinstitute.com/events/gurian-summer-institute-2023/. Here’s more about Dr. Jones-Parks and her keynote.
Bonus Keynote, with Dr. Adonica Jones-Parks, The Rules of Engagement: Effective Strategies to Ignite Disengaged Boys and Girls
Former faculty in Residential Treatment facilities, now Curriculum Director for Dohn Community High School in Cincinnati, Dr. Jones-Parks has specialized in supporting teachers of disengaged learners. “When I discovered the Gurian science and strategies,” Dr. Jones-Parks said recently, “everything fell into place.” She became a GI Certified Trainer to apply science and strategies to students who had experienced absenteeism and truancy, learning deficits, trauma, poverty, food/shelter insecurity, and, as she notes, “previously unsuccessful ways of being mentored and taught.”
Dohn Community High School and Dr. Jones-Parks tackle these issues head on by addressing boys and girls in particular, with sensitivity to students presenting as gender fluid. Because the state of Ohio has designated Dohn a dropout recovery district, and because Dr. Jones-Parks and colleagues have seen concurrent mental and emotional health issues linked to school failure, Dohn has deployed a strong learning structure with specific focus on the social-emotional development of each student.
In this dynamic and strategies-filled keynote, Dr. Jones-Parks will share this leading-edge cultural responsiveness work. She will provide data showing success for science and strategies in both coed and single sex academies and apply SEL work specifically to hard-to-reach students. She will then focus on new and leading-edge programming for boys in the English/Language Arts classroom, and for girls at-risk with social and mental health issues.
To learn more about Dr. Jones-Parks, please visit the Gurian Institute Trainer Page.
We hope you’ll join us for our event on June 24-25. Even if you can’t come on the weekend, the recordings will be available for three weeks, giving you and your teams ample time to hear Dr. Jones-Parks and many others. To learn more and to register, click: https://gurianinstitute.com/events/gurian-summer-institute-2023/.