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Virtual Conference on June 21 - 22, Videos Available through July 6

To register, scroll down to SIGN UP NOW.
To register groups of five or more, email info@gurianinstitute.com.

All presenters will focus on the healthy social-emotional growth of our students and children as emotional, academic, digital, and mental health issues are on the rise all around us.


Michael's new headshot

We are living in a complex age, one in which children are overusing digital and tech, our definitions of sex and gender are being negotiated in social media, academe, and our schools, violence surrounds us, and teachers and parents feel almost desperate for tools to help the children in their care.

In this dynamic keynote presentation, Dr. Gurian will explore how the minds of boys and girls learn and grow, including brain differences that impact K – 12 education, early childhood, family life, and social emotional development throughout the lifespan.  He will provide insight into best teaching, parenting, counseling, and mentoring practices targeted to sex of the brain.

Michael’s presentation include PET, SPECT, and MRI scans that display sexual dimorphism (male/female brain differences) as he focuses on educating, raising, and counseling boys, and educating, raising, and counseling girls.  He will also show brain scans that help us understand the whole gender spectrum.

Michael will lead two working lunch discussions, as well.  Michael’s most recent books are Boys, A Rescue Plan, with Sean Kullman, The Storm In My Mother’s Eyes (michaelgurian.substack.com/), and The Minds of Girls.  We hope you will read one or more these books at your convenience.  In these working lunches, we will study and strategize the topics raised in the keynotes, and answer questions participants have from their own educational and community work.

Dr. Gurian’s second keynote focuses on trauma-informed education from a brain-based perspective and resilience-building at school, in the home, and in our communities.  Michael’s memoir, The Storm In My Mother’s Eyes:  A Journey of Forgiveness and Resilience, explores the science of trauma and resilience in story form.  Without the journey of resilience and forgiveness interconnected, Michael argues, children and adults lack a primary building block for healing trauma and, thus, for thriving.

A product of significant childhood trauma, Michael scores a 7 out of 10 on the Adverse Childhood Experiences, ACE survey.  The publication of his previous book, The Stone Boys, made public some of that childhood trauma and his memoir continued that exploration with brain science connected to story.  We hope you will read The Stone Boys (available on amazon.com and other outlets) and/or The Storm In My Mother’s Eyes (available via subscription at michaelgurian.substack.com) ahead of time for a deep dive into potential trauma-responses and resilience-development.

Michael’s wife of 37 years, Gail Reid-Gurian, died in 2023 from pancreatic cancer.  Her death further compelled Michael to share the walk of resilience via Michael’s Memoir of Grief available on michaelgurian.substack.com/.  Obstacles are built into life as elemental motivators of maturity.  This keynote, focusing on trauma and the development of resilience in children, will also help heal adults on their own journey.

Bonus Keynote, with Michael Gurian, Saving the Digital Child: Strategies for Protecting and Empowering Our Boys and Girls in the Digital World

This bonus keynote, which will be available for viewing before the weekend, will focus on how to help schools, teachers, and children use tech safely and effectively.  Overuse of social media and tech is a national mental health problem, yet tech is here to stay, especially with the new use of Artificial Intelligence by children and adults.  Limiting screen time–which is necessary and important–is not the whole story.

This keynote focuses on tech use as both a positive and negative in children’s lives.  Dr. Gurian looks carefully at the neural connection between tech use, especially among young children, and then brain issues later.  Because some schools are one-to-one, he will bring parents into the equation, who may need to cut back on child tech use at home so that teachers can use it in school.  He will explore specific tech issues faced by boys and by girls.

Some schools are going to a no-phone-during-the-school-day policy, and Michael will endorse that with brain science to show why it is a good plan.  Other schools are going toward more hands-on, project-driven, and nature-based learning.  Michael will provide brain research that supports this direction in education.

In this dynamic and moving keynote, Michael will provide insight and tools, strategies, and real-time conversations you can have with children as their parents and teachers to help them navigate their increasingly intense digital world.

Sean Kullman

Director of the Global Initiative for Boys and Men, award winning educator, and expert in various states and around the world on what is happening with boys and boyhood, Sean Kullman has pioneered political efforts to help schools, states, and government agencies create policies that help boys without harming girls.  His substack, InHisWords, often features these efforts, and is always a compelling read.

With Michael Gurian, Sean has written Boys, A Rescue Plan, which is being used by schools, parents, and policy makers to focus on what boys need.  The subtitle of the book, Moving Beyond The Politics of Masculinity to Healthy Male Development, reveals the angle of the book–that our culture must look at who boys are by nature and meet those needs rather than getting too caught up in culture conversations over masculinity.

In this keynote, Sean focuses on interesting politics and practical strategies for solving the issues boys and their caregivers, teachers, and community members face.  A long time advocate for the Gurian Institute’s school-focused programs, Sean will explore how effective and useful the Boys and Girls Learn Differently work has been in schools he has worked in.  His research, data, and passion will powerfully affect your perceptions of what is going on and what is needed.

Michael Gurian will join Sean for part of this keynote to discuss the issues and topics and ask Sean questions that Sean is uniquely qualified to answer.  We are making this a bonus keynote because it will go longer than the usual hour allotted for a keynote.  You will have three weeks to watch this keynote.

To learn more about Sean Kullman, visit The Global Initiative for Boys and Men.

We encourage groups to come to our events because that can bring systemic change to buildings, schools, and communities.  Our keynotes and workshops cover children from birth – college age.

We have group registration discounts available for 5 or more or 20 or more.   For more information on the group options or with any questions, please email us at info@gurianinstitute.com.


Diane Roberts
For more than two decades, Diane Roberts was a teacher and administrator in public education.  She recently retired and is trained in restorative practices, AVID, positive behavior intervention and supports, and youth mental health first aid.  Her specialties are Classroom Management and Inclusive Teaching Practices.
Diane served as a member of the Charles County Public Schools Equity Task Force, the Superintendent’s Task Force on the African American Employee Experience, and was group facilitator and pilot school leader for the Task Force on Achieving Academic Equity and Excellence for Black Boys for the Maryland State Department of Education.
As a Gurian Institute Certified Trainer, she has provided Boys and Girls Learn Differently training as well as Classroom Management training for Pilot schools in the Maryland Initiative.  A dynamic and inspiring presenter, Diane will explore the challenges teachers face, how to leverage the science and strategies in classrooms and buildings, how to focus compassionately on the needs of diverse learners, and how to increase parent involvement in student self-management.
To learn more about Diane Roberts, please click https://gurianinstitute.com/member/diane-roberts/
Marion Hill is Program Coordinator in the City of Phoenix Birth to Five Program, a Gurian Certified Trainer, and Founder of the M.A.N.C.A.V.E. (Men All Need to be Caring, Actively Engaged, Vested, and Encouraged) Fatherhood Project.  In this keynote, Marion Hill and his colleagues, Michael Huesca and Edward Casillas from Parental Opportunities, Programs & Services (POPS) will introduce working with fathers through the lens of Authentic Fatherhood Partnerships (AFP).  The speakers will focus on equipping the workforce—practitioners, agencies, and systems—with the tools and understanding needed to engage fathers effectively and equitably. This approach emphasizes collaboration, cultural competency, and mutual respect within professional practice, ensuring that father-focused support is holistic and inclusive.
Key aspects of the Authentic Fatherhood Partnership presentation include:  Recognizing Fatherhood Impact, Exploring Personal Fatherhood Experiences, Addressing Biases, Understanding Authentic Partnerships, and Strategies for Implementation, each a theme of this keynote.
The goal of this work is to equip communities to implement authentic fatherhood partnerships by creating an environment where fathers are actively engaged in their children’s lives, feel supported in their roles, learn and grow, and apply practical approaches to encourage meaningful engagement.
M.A.N.C.A.V.E and POPS work together in Arizona to foster resilient families, reduce systemic bias, and create authentic connections with fathers who want to make a difference in the lives of children, families and the community.  This keynote will be a powerful and practical guide through the authentic fatherhood partnership.  It will also introduce the Fatherhood Track in this year’s Summer Institute.  This is the first year we will have a third track along with our K – 12 track and our Early Childhood Track.  Marion’s colleagues will be presenting workshops in this track that you can find on this website.

To learn more about Marion and his colleagues please visit www.azmancave.org.


Bonus Keynote, with Dr. Gregory Jantz, The Anxiety Reset: How to Help Our Anxious and Depressed Children in a Rapidly Changing World

Dr. Gregory Jantz is the Founding Director of The Center, a Place of Hope in Edmonds, Washington and a bestselling author of more than 40 books, including The Anxiety Reset.  He has been a mental health pioneer for 35 years, launching agencies and programs, speaking internationally, creating courses for therapists, and serving families and schools. The Center has been rated one of America’s top ten facilities for treating depression.

Dr. Jantz’ science-based work includes a holistic approach to patient care that blends physiological, nutritional, mental, emotional, and spiritual components. In this keynote he will explore what is happening in our own and our children’s brains in times of heightened emotional and mental stress, and provide practical strategies for healing, treatment, and resilience-building from a holistic perspective.

Dr. Jantz and Michael Gurian co-authored Raising Boys By Design together in 2009 and have worked together on numerous projects, including Helping Boys Thrive Summits and the Wonder of Parenting Podcast for almost two decades.  As Dr. Jantz prerecords his keynote, he will bring Michael into its last section so that Michael can ask him questions on specific topics pertaining to boys and girls, and men and women, including crucial information and strategies for helping girls and women who are experiencing anxiety today at very high levels.

To learn more about Dr. Jantz, please visit www.aplaceofhope.com.

Register Now!

Pay via Pay Pal or Credit Card here.  After paying, please send your preferred email address to  info@gurianinstitute.com so that we can send you a registration/welcome email.  This button only handles individual early bird payments of $295.00 per person:  if you would like to send a group, please contact Dakota Hoyt at info@gurianinstitute.com.  Let her know the number of people you would like to register.  She will arrange a group registration with you.


Early Childhood Emphasis Workshops

Because of our long-standing work with Head Start of Phoenix, we are again featuring workshops with an Early Childhood Emphasis.  Some may be pre-recorded so that you can watch them anytime between June 17 and July 10.


Fatherhood and Utilizing Men Emphasis Workshops

This is the first year that we will have a third track at our Summer Training Institute, a track that looks at the importance of fathers/men’s contributions to the themes of social emotional development, resilience building, academic success, trauma-informed education, classroom management, mental health concerns, and the maturation of children.

What Participants Have Said About Summer Training Institutes

“Mind blowing! Our schools brings a team to this event every year to learn the newest brain-based research. The Gurian Institute emphasizes strategies we can apply in classrooms immediately. This is some of the best PD I have ever been involved in.``
``For almost ten years, the Gurian Institute has been working in early childhood programs, including ours. The strategies and the training on the brains of boys and girls has changed the way we do things. Our teachers are more successful now, especially with the boys who can sometimes confuse early childhood educators.``
``I thought I was zoomed out and so I thought about not bringing my team to the Gurian Virtual Summer Institute, but my team was blown away. There are things that happen here that don't happen elsewhere. The GI message is very important not just for school buildings, but for parents, communities, and policy-makers.``
“I am not a fan of PD in general, but I love the GI Summer Institute. Michael Gurian and the brain scans directly speak to what is happening in the brains of our kids, and all the strategies from the other speakers and Gurian Trainers come right out of successful classrooms, which makes them even more powerful. I highly recommend this training.”


Ensuring Academic and Social-Emotional Success for All Children

To register, scroll down to the button.
To register groups of five or more, email info@gurianinstitute.com

Featured Speakers and Workshops

Dr Glynetta Fletcher

The Human Brain:  Setting the Stage, with Dr. Glynetta Fletcher and Dr. Michael Gurian. Body, mind, and soul are not three isolated systems.  Intricately woven together, they give us the human experience.  In our culture now, our children’s bodies, minds, and souls are experiencing significant stress.  This opening session of the conference will link our weekend of training to the deep issues of our time in schools and neighborhoods, and provide a primer on the amazing human brain–both its natural resilience and its potential fragility.

Boys and Girls Learn Differently – Two-Part Strategies Session, with Dr. Glynetta Fletcher, Gurian Institute Program Director and Master Trainer This two-part session will give participants a tool box full of practical strategies that can be adapted for use in any classroom to increase teacher effectiveness and make sure the needs of both boys and girls are being met. The workshops will model the strategies as if in a classroom setting.  This two-part session is a requirement for applicants for Gurian Institute Trainer Certification and includes specific innovations for coeducational classrooms and for single sex classrooms and academies.


Lauren Paiva

Early Childhood Track.  Bringing Families into the Frame:  Parent, Family, and Community Engagement in Early Childhood Environments, with Lauren Paiva, Education Director, Booker T. Washington Early Childhood Center, and Gurian Certified Trainer.  Parent engagement and outreach has become perhaps more important for our schools than ever before as our children and families come back from pandemic isolation.  Children come to school with behavioral patterns that are problematic and schools need parental help with those.  Parents, too, need the help of schools in guiding their children.  In this workshop, Lauren will share practical strategies and anecdotes from years of work in the Phoenix community – a how-to of what works and what does not work with engaging busy and distracted parents, parents whose native language is not English.

Marion Hill

Fatherhood Track.  Fatherhood Through the Eyes of the Child,  with Marion Hill, Program Coordinator for Head Start, Founder of M.A.N.C.A.V.E. and Gurian Master Trainer.  Looking through the lens of childhood innocence offers fathers invaluable insights into parenting and life. Here are a few key lessons that emerge. Embrace Wonder and Curiosity:  children view the world with awe and  curiosity. Fathers can learn to appreciate the little things in life and encourage exploration, fostering a sense of wonder in themselves and their children.  Practice Unconditional Love:  Childhood innocence teaches us about the purity of love. Understanding that children love unconditionally can remind fathers of the importance of being present and available emotionally for their kids, cultivating trust and a stronger bond.  Value Play: Children learn through play, an important aspect of development.  Fathers can learn to incorporate fun and creativity into their interactions, reinforcing the idea that learning doesn’t always have to be serious.  Acceptance of Differences: Kids often celebrate differences among their peers rather than judge them. Fathers can learn to promote inclusivity and acceptance, teaching children the value of empathy and compassion. Living in the Moment:  Children often live in the here and now, without the burdens of past regrets or future worries. Fathers can learn the importance of mindfulness, encouraging them to focus on the present and fully engage with their children.  Come and explore these and other perspectives with Marion Hill and M.A.N.C.A.V.E. as we build on the Authentic Fatherhood Partnership of POPS that was featured in the keynote. Embracing childhood innocence can lead to deeper connections, lasting memories, and a sense of fulfillment in the parenting journey.

Kimberly Dunn

Strategies for Educating Special Needs and Learning Challenged Children, with Special Needs Science Teacher and Gurian Certified Trainer, Kimberly Dunn.  Join us for an interactive round table discussion dedicated to sharing insights, strategies, and experiences in teaching children with special needs and learning challenges. This session aims to foster collaboration among educators, parents, and specialists to better support students with these learning differences.  Key discussion topics will include:  identifying and understanding the unique strengths and challenges of children with learning challenges such as ADHD, ASD, and dyslexia; developing effective classroom accommodations and individualized teaching approaches; leveraging multisensory learning techniques and assistive technology to enhance engagement and comprehension; strategies for fostering self-confidence and resilience in students with learning differences; exploring the role of collaboration between teachers, families, and support staff.  Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences, learn from others, and leave with actionable strategies to create an inclusive, supportive learning environment for all students. Whether you’re an educator, parent, or advocate, this round table is a space to exchange ideas and inspire meaningful change.

Rob Kodama

Coaching and Teaching Girls for Leadership, with Rob Kodama, Gurian Master Trainer and Young Women from Teams

We have asked Rob Kodama and some of the young women he has coached to present a workshop on strategies for coaching and educating girls at the Middle and High School level.  These are the levels at which girls increasingly have more male teachers and coaches.  This workshop is for everyone, with best practices that work across the lifespan, and it is especially for men teaching, coaching, and educating girls and young women.  A dynamic and inspiring presenter, Rob has been with the Gurian Institute for twenty years.  After twenty five years in the classroom, he is now working at Vidigami (which he will mention in the workshop).  He has coached girls soccer successfully for thirty four years.  A number of the young female leaders he has taught and coached will join him in this workshop.

Ariana Lopez

Early Childhood Track Teaching a Love of Words:  Best Practices for Literacy Learning in Preschool Classrooms with Dr. Ariana Lopez, Gurian Certified Trainer.  As Education Director at the Greater Phoenix Urban League, Ariana leads educational innovations in early childhood literacy learning.  She has worked with diverse populations, including ESL learners, for more than two decades.  In the Greater Phoenix Urban League – Gurian Institute Pilots in Phoenix, Arizona, Ariana has made sure that literacy is a major classroom focus.  In this workshop, Ariana will share and model programs and strategies that have worked to augment and improve early literacy at the Cartwright Child Care Center, a Gurian Model School.  She will also discuss the differences in how boys and girls come to literacy and share strategies from coed and single gender classes.

Early Childhood Track.   Essential Early Childhood:  Boys and Girls Learn Differently Strategies for Our Youngest Children, with Dr. Ariana Lopez Gurian Certified Trainer.   This workshop grows from the Gurian Institute Pilot programs in the Head Start and the Greater Phoenix Urban League (GPUL) classrooms in the Cartwright School District, including at Cartwright Child Care Center, a Gurian Model School. Ariana is Education Coordinator with GPUL.  Her session will feature more than a dozen strategies, including single sex groupings, that they have used successfully in early childhood environments for meeting the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of boys and girls.  The chosen strategies successfully integrate into Teaching Strategies Gold, Creative Curriculum for Preschool, and CLASS. 

By registering for this Zoom Event and its video recordings, you are agreeing to the following:

  • I will not share the videos, links, or materials unless the other person has paid for the event.
  • I will not record any of the sessions in any way (screen shots, personal video or audio recordings, and/or similar capturing of content, people, or discussions).
  • I understand that the Gurian Institute is not responsible for my connection to the internet.
  • I understand that my face or image may be used without compensation by GI e.g., via a group screen shot used in the future on its website.

Training Schedule

Welcome to our 2025 Summer Training Institute!
All times listed are Pacific Time.

Saturday, June 21

8:30 – 9:00 The Human Brain:  Setting the Stage with Dr. Glynetta Fletcher and Dr. Michael Gurian, then a break before the keynote.

9:00 – 10:00 First Keynote, Michael Gurian, The Minds of Boys and Girls:  A Science-Based Approach to Social Emotional and Academic Education.

Bonus Keynote, Watch Anytime.  Saving the Digital Child: Strategies for Protecting and Empowering Boys and Girls in the Digital World, with Michael Gurian


10:15 – 11:30 Second Keynote, Michael Gurian, The Trauma Advantage: Gender-Specific, Poverty-Sensitive, and Trauma-Informed Strategies for Helping Children Learn Resilience.

Bonus Keynote, Watch Anytime.  Boys, A Rescue Plan:  Moving Beyond the Politics of Masculinity to Healthy Male Development, with Sean Kullman and Michael Gurian

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch Hour and Q & A – Questions answered by Michael Gurian on his keynotes and subjects related to raising, educating, and counseling boys and girls, including questions about the gender spectrum.

12:45 – 2:00 First Afternoon Workshops.

Boys and Girls Learn Differently:  Strategies Part I, with Dr. Glynetta Fletcher.  This workshop is for all participants in the Summer Institute.  For individuals becoming certified trainers, it is a required course.

Single Sex/Single Gender:  Teaching and Empowering Boys and Girls in Same Sex Classrooms and Cultures, with CJ Kruska and Daniel Parlato


2:15 – 3:30 Second Afternoon Workshops

Boys and Girls Learn Differently: Strategies Part II, with Dr. Glynetta Fletcher.  This workshop is for all participants in the Summer Institute.  For individuals becoming certified trainers, it is a required course.

Coaching and Teaching Girls for Leadership, with Rob Kodama, joined by young women from his teams

Bonus Workshop, Watch Anytime.  Storytelling, Heroic Models, and Rites of Passage: What Boys Need To Be Good Men, with Tim Wright


3:45 – 4:15 Meeting with Michael Gurian, Glynetta Fletcher, Dakota Hoyt, and people interested in becoming Gurian Certified Trainers.  Renewing Trainers are also welcome.


Sunday, June 22

Bonus Keynote, Watch Anytime.  Anxiety Reset: How to Help Our Anxious and Depressed Children in a Rapidly Changing World, with Dr. Gregory Jantz

8:45 – 10:00  First Keynote, Diane Roberts.  Solving the Classroom Management Puzzle, Including a Special Emphasis on Working with Diverse Learners


10:15 – 11:30 Second Keynote, Marion Hill and Colleagues from POPS.   Real Talk: Authentic Fatherhood and the Power of Partnership

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch Hour and Q & A – Questions answered by Diane Roberts, Marion Hill, and Michael Gurian on the keynote topics.

12:45 – 2:00 Afternoon Workshops, Concurrent

Bringing Families into the Frame:  Parent, Family, and Community Engagement in Early Childhood Environments, with Lauren Paiva

Fatherhood Through the Eyes of the Child, with Marion Hill

Essential Early Childhood:  Boys and Girls Learn Differently Strategies for Our Youngest Children, with Dr. Ariana Lopez


2:15 – 3:30 Afternoon Workshops, Concurrent

Teaching a Love of Words:  Best Practices for Literacy Learning in Preschool Classrooms, with Dr. Ariana Lopez

Strategies for Educating Special Needs and Learning Challenged Children, with  Kimberly Dunn. 

Silent Battles:  Navigating Psychological Warfare in Family Dynamics, with Thurston Smith

End of Day 2. 

Logistics for the Recordings

You will be sent an email that includes a password protected website on which recordings of the presentations will be housed.  These recorded sessions and this website are only for use by paid registrants of the SI.  Please make sure we have your best email address (i.e. one that will not go to your spam folder!) for correspondence and access.

The sessions over the weekend will be recorded then available once uploaded for viewing through July 6, 2025.  Thus, you won’t have to miss a single session!  Some sessions will be prerecorded and available from June 16 – July 6. 

All keynotes and workshops highlight sex and gender-friendly theory and strategies applicable to both coeducational and single sex classrooms, schools, and academies.

Schedule is subject to change.

Monday Morning – June 23 – Certification of Trainers Session, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., via Zoom, for those individuals becoming Gurian Certified Trainers, with Dr. Glynetta Fletcher.  To begin the process of becoming a GI Certified Trainer, please visit the Trainer page on www.gurianinstitute.com.

Please send any questions to info@gurianinstitute.com. 

Certificates of Participation

Upon request, participants who complete the two days of training (all sessions over the two weeks) are eligible for a Certificate of Participation for 20 hours via email; participants who also complete the Certification training on Monday can receive 24 hours.  After you have completed your participation and viewing of the Training Institute Content, please email info@gurianinstitute.com to request your certificate.

Learning and Training Objectives

Describe how the field of gender neuroscience is altering what you know about the psychology and education of children in early childhood, K – 12,  and later adolescence.

Discuss specific needs and issues of boys and girls from birth to adulthood, including analysis of the gender spectrum, with focus on both academics and social-emotional development.

Assess how generally institutionalized educational, counseling, and parenting models do or do not fill the specific developmental needs of preschool through high school age girls and boys.

Identify new logic models and strategies for motivation, learning, and behavioral intervention beginning at birth and proceeding into emerging adulthood.

Summarize key stressors and social-emotional factors that differ between girls and boys beginning in early childhood.

Demonstrate new strategies for learning, counseling, and assessment, including strategies for working with highly sensitive girls and boys of all ages.

Implement new strategies and practical tools beyond the training institute, in your own curricular areas and environments.


Target Audience:  educators, administrators, counselors, social workers, early childhood specialists, coed and single sex educators, parents, mentors, coaches, government agency professionals, and policy makers working with children and young adults.


More Featured Workshops

CJ Kruska
Daniel Parlato

Single Sex/Single Gender:  Teaching and Empowering Boys and Girls in Single Gender Classrooms and Cultures, with CJ Kruska and Daniel Parlato, Crespi Carmelite High School staff members and Gurian Certified Trainers.  This workshop is designed for teachers, administrators, counselors, and all those interested in developing a deeper understanding of single gender environments.  It features how Gurian’s work and strategies are integrated into single sex classrooms, how to set up the classrooms physically, how to facilitate student mentoring of boys and girls, and strategies for nurturing boys and girls through the sex-specific  lens.  Crespi Carmelite High School, an all boys high school in Los Angeles, CA is a Gurian Institute Model School and Center for Excellence.  Between them, CJ and Daniel have thirty years of experience in working in single sex/single gender environments.

Tim Wright

Bonus Workshop, Watch Anytime.  Storytelling and Rites of Passage:  Gifting a Story Line to Our Boys and Girls, with Tim Wright.  Almost twenty years ago, Pastor Tim emailed Michael Gurian to help set up Rite-of-Passage programs for both boys and girls in his church, Community of Grace, in Peoria, AZ.  The two men built the H.E.R.O.I.C. (for boys) and W.I.S.D.O.M. (for girls) programs as Rites of Passage for secular communities, as well. Tim is host, with Michael Gurian, of the Wonder of Parenting Podcast: A Brain Science Approach to Parenting (www.wonderofparenting.com).  Tim is also the author of the middle school age fantasy series, The Adventures of Toby Baxter.  In this workshop, Tim offers insights into how we can use powerful stories to help shape the positive story lines of our sons and daughters.

Thurston Smith

Fatherhood Track. Silent Battles: Navigating Psychological Warfare in Family Dynamics, with Authentic Fatherhood and Gurian Certified Trainer, Thurston Smith
This is a transformative workshop designed to address the often-overlooked struggles fathers face within their families. This session dives deep into the silent battles fathers endure—societal pressures, internal conflicts, and relational challenges—that can lead to emotional detachment, communication breakdowns, and ultimately a fractured family dynamic. By understanding how these challenges affect both the father and the mother and child, this workshop empowers society to be aware, foster resilience, and rebuild stronger connections within their families. Fathers and those who support them will leave equipped with practical tools to heal themselves and lead their families toward harmony and unity.


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Sign Up Now!

Registration Prices:

$295.00 early bird discount price per person.

$275.00 early bird discount price for 5 or more.

$255.00 early bird discount price for 10 or more.

Early Bird Pricing Ends May 1, 2025

Pay via Pay Pal or Credit Card here.  After paying, please send your preferred email address to  info@gurianinstitute.com so that we can send you a registration/welcome email. 

This button handles individual payments.  If you would like to send a group, please contact Dakota at info@gurianinstitute.com.   Let her know the number of people you would like to register, and whether you would like to pay via credit card, check, or PO.  She will arrange a group registration with you.

To pay via check, mail to:  The Gurian Institute, 417 W. 32nd Ave, Spokane, WA 99203

Because this is an online event with more than three weeks to watch the recordings, there will be no refunds.

The Gurian Summer Training Institute can be cancelled; if cancelled, registration tickets will be refunded to each registrant within seven (7) days of cancellation.  The Gurian Institute will not be liable for any other costs.