I (Michael Gurian) happen to be Jewish, so I am going to borrow words from the Pirke Avot (an ancient Hebrew text on Ethics) to begin this blog post: “The world rests on three things: Torah (study), Avodah (prayer/spiritual growth), and Gemilut Chasadim (acts of loving kindness.)” Whatever your religion–even if you are an atheist–this saying might still give sustenance, especially if rewritten this way: “In a crisis, these three things are still crucial: education, personal growth, and loving kindness.”
I wish these three things for every one of you during and through the COVID-19 crisis. We must still educate ourselves and our children; we must still grow our own souls and theirs; we must still practice love and kindness to one another. Through our GI podcast, program management, program planning, and assistance to others in needs, we are working to keep the channels of education, growth, and kindness open with you. One question we are being asked right now is, “What about GI PD and the Summer Institute–are they happening?”
As to the Summer Institute, which is slated to occur on June 13-14, 2020 at Army and Navy Academy in Carlsbad, CA, we do not know yet–we need another couple weeks to see how long national/state quarantines and travel restrictions are going to last. But in case we need to postpone it, we are already exploring plans to move it to Phoenix in October and/or move it online. Within two weeks, we’ll let everyone know via www.gurianinstitute.com and via this newsletter and social media where we stand. If you have feedback about the Summer Institute, feel free to write us at info@gurianinstitute.com.
We are also working behind the scenes with many of you to move trainings, PD, conferences, and other work to later in the summer and fall. If you need any help with this and have not been in contact with us, please write us at gail@gurianinstitute.com.
We’ve also been asked about whether funds can be encumbered by their deadlines for GI programs and services, even if they are getting postponed. If you check in with your funding sources, you may find that you can encumber them for a program, e.g. the Summer Institute or Gurian Professional Development, by their deadlines, even if the program is not completed yet. Often the deadlines for encumbering the funds for services like professional development and conferences are in mid April (sometimes earlier, sometimes later).
If it is the case in your district or school that you need to encumber funds by a certain date, and if GI can help, reach out to us at gail@gurianinstitute.com. This means, for instance, that if you were going to send yourself or other people to the Summer Institute, you can still pay for the Institute when you need to, and we will hold the registrations in escrow for the fall, should the SI be postponed. In a worst case scenario–i.e. no SI can be held at any time, we would return the money or Purchase Order to you.
Should these practical details, including talking about money, be considered a part of “education, growth, and loving kindness,” especially during a crisis? We believe so, because while one part of this crisis is potential illness and death, the other severity is in economic repercussions. The work you do with children, and the support we try to give, are not frivolous. You are changing lives every day and we believe our work together is in its own way sacred to the flourishing of children.
Please reach out to us via info@gurianinstitute.com for feedback, comments, needs, ideas, and discussions about practicalities. We believe in every one of you.
Thank you for doing what you are doing for all of our children.