If you have not yet utilized the work of our friend and colleague, Tim Wright, we hope you will. Tim and his staff, and Michael Gurian and our GI staff, have partnered for the last ten years in three primary ways, all of which were inspired by Tim’s request of Michael that what the Gurian Institute was doing in the secular world might be added, also, to faith-communities.
Together we have fulfilled that goal by creating Rites of Passage programs for boys and girls, 12 – 14, and 16 and older (www.timwrightministries.org), which are used in schools and homes around the country.
Over the past six years, we have also collaborated to provide Helping Boys Thrive Summits (www.helpingboysthrive.org), traveling to cities around the country to inspire and train parents and professionals.
In the last year, we launched The Wonder of Parenting Podcast: A Brain-Science Approach to Parenting (https://gurianinstitute.com/wonder-of-parenting/), which provides conversation and tools every parent can use in daily life.
Now, Tim has published two new e-books that provide useful and inspiring approaches to their topics, which their titles express perfectly:
*Raising Sons in a #MeToo World
*Raising Daughters in a #MeToo World.
Tim is one of America’s most balanced and empathic voices. He bridges secular and sacred, working in his own church, Community of Grace in Peoria, AZ as its pastor, and working in secular schools and communities as a teacher and trainer. He is also a very inspiring and dynamic speaker.
We hope you will visit the various websites. Please consider bringing a Helping Boys Thrive Summit to your city. If you have adolescent children, please consider utilizing the Rites of Passage Programs. You can listen to us also on our podcasts, and visit amazon.com or timwrightministries.org to learn more about Tim’s work and his new books.
Here is more.
Raising Sons in a #MeToo World
Our sons (and daughters) are growing up in an increasingly challenging world when it comes to sex and relationships, sandwiched between the important #MeToo Movement and the hook-up culture. Tim Wright, co-host of The Wonder of Parenting Podcast, offers insights into this new world along with practical tips for parents on how to help their sons put love and relationships back into sex. Topics include: Give Your Son a HEROIC Vision for His Life: Teach Your Son to Value Girls and Women; Embed in Your Son the “Rules” He Needs To Navigate the World of Sex; and Give Your Son the Gift of Resilience-Building Affirmation. The manual also includes a list of helpful resources to help parents go deeper into these important topics with their sons.
Although written from the perspective of boys, parents of daughters will find the insights invaluable for them as they raise their daughters in this new world.
As Tim writes: As Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker (Spider-Man) in the Toby McGuire series: With great power comes great responsibility. When the power of sex is respected and experienced accordingly, there are few things more earth-shaking. But when that power is not respected and is misused, there are few things more earth-shattering…This is your son. He is a gift given to you for the sacred purpose of molding and shaping him into the man you know he can be and the man the world needs him to be.
Raising Daughters in a #MeToo World
In this follow up to his ebook, Raising Sons in a #MeToo World, Tim Wright, co-host of the Wonder of Parenting Podcast, turns the focus to our daughters. Our daughters are growing up in a culture that insists that sex that can be detached from feelings. That sex can be decoupled from a relationship. That sex is simply a commodity to be consumed with little or no personal involvement or consequences. But, relationally and biologically that is simply not true, and many of our daughters wear the emotional scars to prove it.
Tim offers insights into how parents can help their daughters put love and relationships back into sex, with topics including: Parenting, Empowerment, and Responsibility; Navigating Your Daughter through the Three S’s–Sexual, Sexy, and Sexualized; Empower Your Daughter with a Wise Vision for her Life; Embed in Your Daughter Healthy, Empowering Sexual Boundaries; and more. This manual also offers a list of helpful resources to help parents go deeper into these important topics with their daughters.
Raising our Daughters in a #MeToo World goes beyond ideologies to the hearts and souls of our daughters, calling parents to the sacred work of raising our daughters into healthy, dynamic women.